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  4. Fluke 8845A/SU 220V
Fluke 8845A/SU 220V Multimeter

Fluke 8845A/SU 220V

Delivery: orderable
Price: 1 400.00

6.5 Digit, 1000 000 count Precision Multimeter (incl. software + cable) 6.5 digit resolutionBasic V dc accuracy of up to 0.0035 %Dual display100 ?A to 10 A current range, with up to 100 pA resolutionWide ohms range from 100 ? to 100 M? with up to 100 ?? resolution2 x 4 ohms 4-wire measurement techniqueMasures frequency and periodFluke 45 and Agilent 34401A emulationGraphical displayTrendplot™ paperless recorder mode, statistics, histogramCAT I 1000 V, CAT II 600 VIncludes: TL71 Premium DMM Test Lead Set, LCI Line Cord, USB to RS232 Cable Adapter, FlukeView Forms – Basic  SW and FlukeView Forms Software Upgrade 

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