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- » Анализаторы холодильных систем
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- » Гигрометры, влагомеры воздуха
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- » Кондуктометры, Измерители проводимости
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- » Инфракрасные термометры
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Виброметры, Измерители вибрации ›
Castle VK029
Evec was designed to facilitate the measurement and evaluation of whole-body vibration. Evec offers advanced technology which can be learned easily and quickly, even by untrained users. The seat sensor, including its integrated memory, is just placed on the drivers seat - without having to be mounted mechanically and without needing any disturbing cables. The sensor is activated and the measurement thus started with just a few operator steps. The necessary software is installed on a PDA or a notebook with Bluetooth interface. You need just a few settings – and your evec system is ready for use. The data recorded is also read from the seat sensor through Bluetooth. There are no annoying cables which might be damaged during the measurement. The driver does not have to do anything. The evec system automatically registers when the driver gets up and, complying with EN 14253, cuts off the peaks when the driver sits down too energetically. This allows precise measurements of the load to which the driver is exposed through the effect of vibrations. Special data preparation is not necessary. Conforming to EU Directive 2002/44/EC, the evec software calculates the A(8) value of the daily exposure, no matter whether the measurement covered the full span of eight hours or whether evaluation is based on a shorter time period. Standardized MeasurementAny measurement series may be subject to undesired effects which falsify the calculated day load, for example, if the driver gets up and sits down frequently. The intelligent triaxial sensor excludes all of these undesired effects from calculation. The evec system takes such exceptional loads as well as breaks into account and, conforming to EN 14253, automatically eliminates such peaks and breaks from calculation of the total load. This excludes any manipulation of the measurement on the drivers part. evec Benefits - Easy-to-operate
- Short training period
- Automatic identification and elimination of undesired effects
- Automatic calculation of exposure time (ET) and daily exposure A(8)
- Direct access to measurement results through PDA or notebook / PC
- Excellent price-performance ratio
evec Performance Hardware- evec seat pad according to ISO 10326 (in black) with integrated triaxial acceleration sensor
- Microcontroller for evaluating acceleration signals according to ISO 2631
- Algorithm for identifying and eliminating undesired effects
- Driver-seat contact sensor
- Wireless communication between sensor and PDA or Notebook/PC
evec Standards Met - EU Directive 2002/44/EC of 25th February 2002, governing the protection of workers against risks arising from vibrations
- Decree of 6th March 2007, regulating the adoption of EU Directive 2002/44/EC
- ISO 2631 – Mechanical vibration and shock
- ISO 10326 – Mechanical vibration – Laboratory method for evaluating vehicle seat vibration
- ISO 8041 – Human response to vibration
- VDI 2057 – Human exposure to mechanical vibrations –Wholebody vibration
evec Software- evec seat pad activated for measurement through Bluetooth®
- Measurement data downloaded through Bluetooth®
- Exposure values automatically calculated and displayed according to EU Directive 2002/44/EC
- Values displayed in three directions (x, y, z)
- Extrapolation of measurement data with reduced measurement times
- Storage of all relevant measurement data
- Printed report
- ASCII export of measurement data
Scope of DeliveryThe scope of delivery of the evec system for measuring whole-body vibration comprises the following components: - evec seat pad with integrated sensor
- CD-ROM with software for PDA and notebook
- evec battery charger incl. batteries
- Plastic case with magnetic on-off switch
- Operating instructions in English
- Evec Viewer Software
- Optional: PDA or notebook with preinstalled software
evec Target Groups - Engineers, specialists and experts involved in safety at work, from public service and industrial sectors
- Companies from the logistics, forwarding and construction trades, bus and port operators, airports, trans-shipment centers
- Operators of all further motor vehicles, aircraft, rail vehicles and watercraft
- Users in the fields of mechanical engineering, agriculture, forestry, and building trade
- Measurement and development engineers
- Occupational health practitioners
- Experts from the fields of comfort analysis and evaluation
ApplicationsThe evec system is suitable for a very great number of applications. Every sedentary occupation involving the protection of working humans from undesired vibration requires the use of the evec system. The evec system provides the ideal solution for measuring whole-body-vibration, whether relating to fork-lift truck drivers, long-haul truck drivers or horseback riders. Mobility without limitsevec seat pads are wireless devices that communicate through Bluetooth® serial connections. The accompanying software to operate the evec seat pad can be installed on any computer device running Windows XP/Vista or Windows Mobile 5 equipped with a Bluetooth interface. Suitable computer devices are PCs, Notebooks, PDAs, mobile/ cell phones with suitable input peripherals and other mobile devices complying with the above specifications. To install evec software on a Windows Mobile 5 mobile device, both a connection with a Windows XP/Vista PC or Notebook and an operational recent release of Microsoft ActiveSync are needed. Standards Met | ISO 2631, ISO 10326, ISO 8041, VDI 2057, EN 14253, ISO 10326 | Frequency evaluations according to ISO 2631 | Wd for x– and y-directions, Wk for z-direction | Results Display | A(8) value, exposure time (ET), acceleration values in 3 directions | Dynamics Range | 60 dB | Temperature Range | -10° to +50° C | Shock Limit | 100G | Bluetooth® communication | Class 2 | EMC | According to EN 55022 and EN61000-4-8/6/2/3 | Battery Run-Time | > 20 hours | Storage Capacity | for a measurement of 36 hours | Charging Time | Approximately 2.5 hours | Dimensions | (seat pad) Diameter: 205 mm; height: 12 mm (conforming to ISO 10326-1) | Weight (seat pad) | 350 grams |
